Terms and Conditions

Acceptance of Terms

Welcome to Volleyguides.com! By using our site, you agree to follow these Terms and Conditions. Please don’t use our website if you don’t agree with any of the rules.

Content Disclaimer 

On Volleyguides, we do our best to give you correct and useful information about volleyball and its accessories.

The information on the Site is not meant to be shared with or used by anyone or any organization in any country or jurisdiction where doing so would be against the law or rule or would require us to register in that country or jurisdiction. So, people who choose to visit the Site from other places do so on their own and are the only ones responsible for following local laws, if and to the extent that they apply.

You can’t view or use the Site for anything other than what we’ve made it available for. You can’t use the Site for business purposes unless we directly say you can or give you permission to do so.

Electronic interactions include going to the Site, sending us emails, and filling out online forms. You agree to get communications from us electronically, like emails and posts on the Site. You also agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications we send you electronically meet any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.

As a result of these Terms of Use or your use of the Site, there is no joint venture, partnership, job, or agency between you and us. You agree that the fact that we wrote these Terms of Use should not be used against us. You agree to give up any arguments you might have based on the fact that these Terms of Use are in an electronic format and no one has signed them.

If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms and Conditions, reach out to us at [email protected]